Monday, 16 February 2009

february reading night

there's no point in not being friends with someone if you want to be friends with them: the perfect antidote to gloomy, depressing February.

The next night is booked for Monday 23rd. After this, it will return to its regular slot on the last Tuesday of the month.

This month we've got a special guest curator, Sian Cummins, giving Chris the chance to relax and enjoy the readings without having to dart about with a dog-eared, biroed running order, marshalling wayward readers. That'll just be me and Sian. We've got some brilliant readers, including No Point favourites Tom Fletcher, Luke Yates and N.P. Murgatroyd, a video reading from Catherine Lacey, live drama, and music from the excellent Si Connor.

As always, there'll be open mic slots, too. Please email nopointinnotbeingfriends at gmail dot com if you'd like to put your name down, or bring something on the night and find me or Sian.

There'll be lots of drink on sale and lots of time between readings to buy / drink it.

It's upstairs at the Deaf Institute off Oxford Road. Doors are at 8pm, and it's free to get in.

See you there...


Martin Higgins said...

Special guest presenters! Just like Have I Got News For You!

Si is ace. I predict this will be good and I will enjoy it.

sally said...

Martin you will enjoy it, you are right with your prediction I think.

Martin Higgins said...

It turns out I was right. It was good and I enjoyed it.

Well done Sally and Sian.

Luke Yates said...
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